Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Great Interest Rates on Savings Accounts

I've been a huge fan of ING Direct for several years. That's where I keep my emergency cash reserve (security basket). I also put our dream basket money there every month. I like the ability to set up multiple accounts and log in and see them all from a single interface. I also like the ability to add and remove automatic deposits at will. The ability to automate everything is a crucial component to our financial plan.

Though I'm a loyal ING fan, I've been tempted by some great rates at other banks. Here are some of the most recent rates I've seen:

ING Direct: 3.8%
EmigrantDirect.com: 4.0%
hsbcdirect.com: 4.25%

There are others, but these are the ones that caught my eye. A great rate is not enough. Great customer service and quality of the company both factor into the equation.

So, in the interest of earning more interest, I'm going to do a test and see how these companies stack up to ING. The bar is set pretty high. I'm interested to see how they fare.