Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Book Review: Getting Things Done by David Allen

Just finished this book tonight. It has changed my life. And, from the looks of things around the web, it has quite a following. GTD is a must buy for your library.

While I'm not a kung fu master at all the things David suggests, I've implemented the following:
  • a tickler file
  • what's the next action?
  • home and business filing system
  • immediate processing of my email
There is more to do, but even just these things have had a huge impact. My Outlook inbox has been at zero for six weeks. Now I just need to do the same with my Gmail.

My filing system has given me serious peace of mind. I have a place for everything and everything is in its place. And when I open my file drawer I enter a zen-like state-of-mind.

You can have all this and more, Grasshopper. Be the pebble. Buy the book.